About Us

Welcome to Liberty Dawghouse. This site came to fruition after years of spending time on Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Medium, and other social sites. The constant corruption and censorship has gotten out of control. Here at Liberty Dawghouse everyone from every political spectrum or religious spectrum will be allowed to speak their mind and the truth will be hashed out. There will be no censorship in the public areas of the site except for obvious spam.
Myself (Dirty) and may partner, Fred have been in the online forums and website industry since the late 1990s. The censorship from these governments, social media companies, and websites gets worse and worse. The more they censor the worse disinformation is. Our goal is to try to alleviate that problem.
When we get finished upgrading everything the site will be flush with its own mini-social network, chat options, podcasts, and some type of forums. We had one up, but when we had to stop developing the site around Covid time it got eaten up with spam and bots. So we removed them and trying to figure out the best way to move forward. Whether it is thru the WordPress comment system or some type of forum. I know the one we had was not strong enough in its security to stop the bots.
Hang with us and watch us grow.