Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden Gain Ground in Democratic Race

Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden Gain Ground in Democratic Race

According to the latest Wall Street Journal poll, Senator Elizabeth Warren and former Vice President Joe Biden are gaining ground in the presidential democratic race. Biden still has the lead with 31 percent. It is up 4 percent from July.

Political news reports showed Senator Bernie Sanders went up from 13 percent to 14 percent. Mayor Pete Buttigieg stayed at seven percent. The biggest loser from the latest survey is Senator Kamala Harris. From a high of 13 percent in July, she’s now in 5 percent.

Businessman Andrew Yang moved up from 2 percent to 4 percent. As a result, he is now in sixth place behind Senator Harris. Among the respondents, Senator Elizabeth Warren got the highest level of enthusiasm. 35 percent said there are keen on supporting Warren. Sanders got 25 percent, and Biden got 23 percent.

Elizabeth Warren and the Democratic Presidential Race

Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden Gains Ground in Democratic RaceSenator Warren and Biden are the only candidates with significant growth in their support since July. It looks like Warren has the upper hand when it comes to voter enthusiasm. Voter enthusiasm for the senator from Massachusetts increased, while Biden’s rating is declining.

However, Biden is still more popular with voters 50 and above, and African-Americans. These groups play an important part during Democratic primaries, according to a pollical forum. Also, the poll showed only three contenders with double-digit support.

Odds for the Next US President

A pay per head services provider gave out the odds for the next US presidential election. President Donald Trump remained the favorite with odds of 6/5. Senator Elizabeth Warren has odds of 9/2. Following her in third place is former Vice President Joe Biden.

Gambling industry news sites are taking a closer look at the next presidential election. Predicting its outcome is difficult. In fact, a lot of things can change as November 2020 comes near.

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