The Future of North Carolina Sports Betting

Sports betting is legal in over thirty states in the US. At present, North Carolina sports betting is limited on tribal lands. However, a new bill in the Senate would legalize sports gambling outside tribal lands across the state.
The sports betting bill is now in the hands of the House. Lawmakers will tackle the bill once they go back into session in May. A sports betting software company believes that statewide legalized sports betting can benefit North Carolina.
At present, residents of North Carolina are already betting on sports outside of tribal lands. They even cross state lines to wager on NBA games and other sports events. Also, people use offshore pay per head bookie solution to allow people to bet on sports.
North Carolina Sports Betting

According to political news reports, 35 percent of registered voters support legal sports betting, 39 percent oppose the legalization, and 25 percent are undecided. Also, people feel that the negative impacts of gaming impact lower-income earners. As per the North Carolina lottery, around 70 percent of the participants earn less than $70,000 annually.
The new sports betting bill will put sports betting under the supervision of the lottery commission. Also, the proposed legislation would allow wagering on professional sports, electronic sports, college sports, amateur sports, and other sports events approved by the Lottery.